ETEA KPK Police Constable Past Paper 2022

Who wrote bhutto ke akhri 323 din?

  1. colonel Rafiuddin
  2. Sadiq Salak
  3. Both
  4. None

Where is the headquarter of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) located?

  1. Vienna, Austria
  2. Kathmandu, Nepal
  3. Islamabad, Pakistan
  4. None of these

Pakistan Resolution was passed in?

  1. 14 March 1945
  2. 23 March 1940
  3. 12 March 1948
  4. 28 March 1947

Which Muslim leader had died at the time of second round table conference ?

  1. Muhammad Ali Johar
  2. Allam Iqbal
  3. Rehmat Ali
  4. None

Leader of Muslim league delegation in first Round Table Conference :

  1. Sir Agha Khan
  2. Allama Iqbal
  3. Quaid e Azam
  4. None

Third battle of Panipat was fought between :

  1. Marathas and Britidhers
  2. Marathas and Rajpoots
  3. Marahatas and Afghans
  4. None

One Unit was established in West Pakistan in :

  1. September 1953
  2. September 1954
  3. September 1956
  4. September 1955

Pakistan and India main dispute?

  1. Rivers
  2. Kashmir dispute
  3. Border dispute
  4. None

Who is Zia Muhiyyuddin :

  1. Pakistani Actor
  2. Politician
  3. both
  4. None

What is the responsibility of State Bank of Pakistan (SBP)?

  1. Implement taxes
  2. Lending businesses
  3. Implement monetary policy
  4. None of these

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