ETEA MDCAT Past Paper 2023

Which one has one unpaired electron in the valence shell

  • Fe^+3
  • Zn^+2
  • Ti^+3
  • Cu+

Which one of the following Is covalent in nature

  • Ca3N2
  • Mg3N2
  • Be3N2
  • Ba3N2

Indicate superoxide in the following:

  • Na2O2
  • CaO
  • BaO2
  • RbO2

Element whose salts do not impart color to name test is

  • Ca
  • Cs
  • K
  • Be

Choose the element that forms normal oxides only:

  • Li
  • K
  • Rb
  • Na

The bond length between double bonded carbon atoms is

  • 1.54 A°
  • 1.10 A°
  • 1.34 A°
  • 1.82 A°

Molecule having the highest bond energy (Experimentally) is:

  • HF
  • HCl
  • HI
  • HBr

The molecular shape of a molecule with three bonded atom and one lone pair electron on the central atom will be:

  • Trigonal pyramidal
  • Linear
  • Trigonal planar
  • Tetrahedral

 In redox reaction of SO2 with KMnO4 in acidic medium

  • SO2 is oxidezes KMnO4
  • KMnO4 is inert in acidic medium
  • SO2 is reduces KMnO4
  • SO2 cant undergo redox reaction

Processes involving solids and liquids having their

  • ΔH= ΔE + PΔV
  • ΔH= 0
  • ΔH= PΔV
  • ΔH= ΔE

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