ETEA MDCAT Past Paper 2023

Radioactive Sr has a half-life of 30 years. What percent of a sample of Sr will remain after 90 years

  • 0%
  • 75%
  • 12.5%
  • 50%

The ratio of shortest wavelength to longest of Lyman series is:

  • P
  • 4
  • 3/4
  • 4/3

The shortest wavelength associated to Paschen series is:

  • λ=8/RH
  • λ=4/RH
  • λ=9/RH
  • λ=19/RH

The wavelength of photon “A” is half the wavelength of photon “B”. The energy of a photon “A” is:

  • One-fourth of energy of Photon B
  • Equal to energy of Photon B
  • Twice the energy of Photon B
  • Half the energy of Photon B

For half wave rectification, the number of diode needed in a circuit is:

  • 3
  • 2
  • 4
  • 1

For induced emf to be produced in a coil, the magnetic flux linked with a coil must:

  • Only decrease
  • Only increase
  • Be changed
  • Be constant

A constant magnetic field of 5T is passing through a static conducting loop of area 0.8 m^2, the induced emf is:

  • 4 V
  • 32 V
  • 10 V
  • Zero

When the magnetic force acts on a charge particle, change occurs in:

  • Magnitude and direction of velocity
  • Magnitude of velocity only
  • Neither direction nor magnitude of velocity
  • Only the direction of velocity

The magnitude of the magnetic flux through area A has exactly the same value at angles:

  • 270° and 360°
  • 180° and 270°
  • 90° and 180°
  • o° and 180°

Ampere second is the unit of:

  • Potential difference
  • Charge
  • Power
  • Current

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