ETEA MDCAT Past Paper 2023

A certain X-ray tube requires a current of 5 mA at a voltage of 60kV. The rate of energy dissipation (in watts) is:

  • 200
  • 560
  • 300
  • 800

Of the following, the copper conductor that has the least resistance must be:

  • Thin, long and hot
  • Thin, short, cool
  • Thick, short and cool
  • Thick, long, hot

In how many hours a 1000 watt AC will consume one unit of electricity

  • 0.5 hr
  • 1.5 hr
  • 2 hr
  • 1 hr

A wire of length L has resistivity ρ. If the wire is divided in two halves, then resistivity of each halve is:

  • ρ
  • ρ/3
  • ρ/2
  • 2p

1 volt × 1 ampere is equal to:

  • 1 coulomb
  • 1 hp
  • 1 watt
  • 1 newton

 For 0.5 Siemens of conductance, resistance will be:

  • 20 Ω
  • 10 Ω

Work done during isochoric process is:

  • Negative
  • Maximum Positive
  • Maximum Negative
  • Zero

The expression Cp – R is equal to:

  • R
  • R + Cv
  • Cv
  • Cp – Cv

If the pressure of air enclosed in a long tube Is increased 10 times, then speed of sound will:

  • Remain constant
  • Become zero
  • Decrease
  • Increase

The square root of the ratio of elasticity to mass density is equal to:

  • Product of frequency and wavelength
  • Refractive index
  • Co-efficient of Viscosity
  • Force

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