Excise & Taxation Constable Past Paper MCQs

Which surah is called Ummul Kitab?

  1. Surah Fatih
  2. Surah NAS
  3. Surah Bakra
  4. Surah Muhammad

Who got the title of Saifullah?

  1. Hazrat umar
  2. Hazrat ali
  3. Khalid bin Waleed
  4. None of these

What was the name of Imam Bukhari (R.A)?

  1. Muhammad bin Ismaeel
  2. Muhammad Ismaeel
  3. Muhammad Ibraheem
  4. Ismaeel bin Ibraheem

Salat-e-Khasoof is performed at the occasion of :

  1. Solar eclipse
  2. Shortage of rain
  3. Lunar eclipse
  4. None of the above

Prophet Muhammad lived in Madina for _____ years?

  1. 13 years
  2. 11 years
  3. 10 years
  4. 5 years

Pakistan is located in :

  1. South Asia
  2. West Asia
  3. North Asia
  4. None of these

Which from the following countries is not bordered by Pakistan?

  1. India
  2. Iran
  3. China
  4. Bangladesh

The Scout Association was founded in 1910 by :

  1. Baden Powel
  2. Jacques Rousseau
  3. Winston Churchill
  4. None of them

Sher-e-Bengal was the title of :

  1. Liaqat Ali Khan
  2. Ch. Rehmat Ali
  3. Qazi Isa
  4. A.K Fazal-Ul-Haq

What is total area of the Pakistan?

  1. 899,913 km²
  2. 881,913 km²
  3. 899,92222 km²
  4. 799,92222 km²

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