When WTO founded
- 1985
- 2002
- 2006
- None of the above
How many state are there in USA?
- 51
- 49
- 52
- None of these
Note: There are fifty (50) states and Washington D.C. is a federal district under the authority of Congress.
When Allahabad address was delivered?
- 1930
- 1931
- 1932
- 1933
Earth rotates the sun in:
- 23 Hour 56 min 4 sec
- 24 Hour
- 23 Hour57 min 9 sec
- None of these
What man exhales
- oxygen
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Monoxide
- Carbon and Nitrogen
War and Peace was written by:
- Leo Tolstoy
- Dostoevsky
- bons Patterson
- None of these
Origin of species is written by:
- Walter Disney
- Augustus
- Darwin
- None of these
Head Quarter of SAARC:
- Islamabad
- Dhaka
- Khatumundu
- Male
Which of the president instrumental in the creation of league of nation?
- Roosevelt
- Woodrow Wilson
- Henry Truman
- None of these