FBR DNFBP Steno Typist Past Paper

In which field Frederick Sanger won the Nobel Prize twice?
  1. Literature
  2. Medicine
  3. Chemistry
  4. Physics
  5. None of these
How many square meters in 1 yard?
  1. 0.8361
  2. 1.1959900463
  3. 10000
  4. none of these
I shall write a latter
  1. A letter is written by me
  2. A letter will be written by me
  3. A letter has written to me.
  4. None of these
The boys were playing Cricket.
  1. Cricket had been played by the boys.
  2. Cricket has been played by the boys.
  3. Cricket was played by the boys.
  4. Cricket was being played by the boys.
Choose the word that is spelled correctly:
  1. Pronounciation
  2. Pronunciation
  3. Pronnuniation
  4. None of these
غزوہ احد میں کتنے مسلمانوں نے شرکت کی تھی؟
  1. 313
  2. 1000
  3. 3000
  4. 140
غزوہ احد میں کفار مکہ کا سردار کون تھا؟
  1. ابو جہل
  2. ابو سفیان
  3. ابو لہب
  4. ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
غزوہ احد میں کفار مکہ کی تعداد کتنی تھی؟
  1. دو ہزار
  2. تین ہزار
  3. سات سو
  4. پانچ سو
حضرت ام حبیبہ کس صحابی کی بہن تھی؟
  1. حضرت امیر معاویہ
  2. حضرت عکرمہ
  3. حضرت زبیر
  4. None
غزوہ تبوک پر جاتے ھوئے آپ ﷺ نیابت کس کو دے گے
  1. حضرت عمر
  2. حضرت سعد بن ابی وقاص
  3. حضرت علی
  4. None

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