FBR LDC Past Paper 2022

FBR LDC Past Papers mcqs for jobs test preparation in Federal Board of Revenue of Pakistan.

FBR LDC Past Papers MCQs

Which of the following is most elastic ?
  1. Steel
  2. Rubber
  3. Glass
  4. Sponge
Diamond is made from which element?
  1. Carbon
  2. Gold
  3. Silver
  4. Platinum
From the given source of energy, which is renewable?
  1. Solar energy
  2. Oil
  3. Thermal energy
  4. Hydel Power
Comets revolve around the Sun?
  1. Low Elliptical
  2. Highly Elliptical
  3. Closely
  4. Fatherly
The SI unit of electric current is _____?
  1. Ampere
  2. Volt
  3. Coloumb
  4. none of these
Holy Prophet used to go to a Mosque on every 17th Ramadan, state the name of Mosque?
  1. Masjid al-Haram
  2. Quba Mosque
  3. Al Masjid an Nabawi
  4. Kaaba Mosque
What is the most important event of Sixth Hijrah?
  1. Conquest of Makkha
  2. Conquest of Khyber
  3. Treaty of Huddaibiah
  4. None of these
Which of the following is the first practical manifestation of faith?
  1. Zakat
  2. Prayer
  3. Prayer
  4. All of these
How was the first wife of Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim?
  1. Hazrat Saarah
  2. Hazrat Asia
  3. Hazrat Hajirah
  4. Hazrat Salma
After Toofan-e-Noah, which city was established?
  1. Khosran
  2. Baghdad
  3. Makkah
  4. None of these

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