FBR LDC Past Paper 2022

Words having similar meanings are called:
  1. Homonyms
  2. Antonyms
  3. Both A & B
  4. None of these
If you ___ go by bus, you will get late.
  1. Will
  2. Shall
  3. May
  4. None of these
In English grammar “Quaid-e-Azam” is a:
  1. Proper Noun
  2. Common Noun
  3. Uncountable Noun
  4. Material Noun
  5. None of these
This paragraph should not ____ two hundred words.
  1. Exceed
  2. exceed more than
  3. greater than
  4. none of these
This book is _____.
  1. Our`s
  2. Our
  3. Ours
  4. All of these
Our cricket team is ____ than Indian team.
  1. More better
  2. Best
  3. Better
  4. All of these
He parked his bicycle _____ the wall.
  1. Against
  2. Before
  3. At
  4. About
He ____ to come but he _____.
  1. Promised, did not
  2. Promised, did not have
  3. Promised, did have not
  4. Promised, did will have
Dead Sea lies in the continent of ______.
  1. Asia
  2. Africa
  3. Europe
  4. None of these
Words having same sound but different meanings and spellings are called:
  1. Synonyms
  2. Antonyms
  3. Homophones
  4. None of these
The case in the court was adjourned _____ the following week.
  1. With
  2. On
  3. To
  4. By

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