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Meaning of “hegemony” is :
- Power to control others
- Supremacy of Power
- Autocracy
- Controlled Democracy
- None of the above
Hard disk in computer is a:
- storage device
- software
- Both
- None
Microsoft word was released in which year ?
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
Basketball is national game of :
- Sri Lanka
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- Estonia
The Continent Antarctica covers the total area of world ?
- 3.5 %
- 1.9 %
- 2.75 %
- none
MS Word is related to?
- Microsoft
- Hard ware
- Internet
- None
The idiom “To smell a rat” means:
- To see signs of plague epidemic
- To get bad small of a bad dead rat
- To suspect foul dealings
- To be in a bad mood
- None of these
EVM Stand for?
- Electronic Volt Machines
- Election Voting Machines
- Electronic Voting Machines
- Electronic Victory Machines
Synonym of "reformation" is
- Repetition
- Change
- revelation
- retreat
What is the synonym of CUISINE?
- overall atmosphere
- table setting
- style of cooking
- light luggage
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