FDE EST Biology Past Papers 21-04-2024

Which of the following is a bread fungi?pilobolus, ppunccinia, yeast, none of these

  1. pilobolus
  2. ppunccinia
  3. yeast
  4. none of these

Which of the folloiwng are glows in dark ?

  1. Funana
  2. Plerotus
  3. Omphalotus
  4. None of these

Which of the following plants is used to cure ring worm and skin disease?

  1. Cassia Alata
  2. Cassia Senna
  3. Cassia Obovate
  4. None of these

Fasciola hepatica is a parasite in?

  1. dogs
  2. pigs
  3. sheep
  4. chicken

Which does not belong to Platyhelminthes?

  1. Dugesia
  2. Liver fluke
  3. Ancylostoma
  4. Tape worm

Marsupium is used for?

  1. rearing the young onces
  2. feeding the young onces
  3. both A and B
  4. none of these

Which of the following is also known as pin worm?

  1. Enterobius vermicularis
  2. Taenia solium
  3. Ascaris lumbricoides
  4. Trichinella spiralis

Spongila belongs to phylum?

  1. Cnidaria
  2. Porifera
  3. Molluscs
  4. Aschelminthes

Dark reaction occurs in?

  1. stroma
  2. thylakoid
  3. lumen
  4. cytoplasm

The function of carotenoids?

  1. Broaden Spectrum of light
  2. Provide yellow color to the lants
  3. Protect chlorophyll by absorbing excessive light
  4. All of these

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