Trypsin is activated by?
- Trysinogen
- Entrokinase
- Is always in active form
- Erypsin
Instead of alveoli, aves have?
- bronchi
- parabronchi
- bronchioies
- malpighian tubules
Among the following CO 2 in 100ml of venous blood is:
- 51 ml
- 54 ml
- 57ml
- 58 ml
All have closed circulatory system except?
- Annelids
- Spiider
- Earthworm
- Octopus
Meissner and Pacinian corpuscies provide sensation about _ and _-stimulus respectively.
- heat and cold
- touch and pressure
- heat and pain
- light and sound
Spondylosis effects which joint?
- vertebral joint
- knee joint
- pectoral joint
- pelvis joint
The two unfpaired facial bones are?
- Maxia and inferior concha
- Zygomatic and lacrimal
- Palatine and nasal
- Mandible and vomer
The disease caused by congenital deficiency of thyroxin is?
- Goiter
- Odema
- Graves
- Cretinism
Which of the following has a diffused nervous system?
- planaria
- starfish
- sycon
- nereis
Mimosa plant;s autonomic movement is?
- Tactile
- Turgor
- Growth
- None of these
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