FDE EST Biology Past Papers 21-04-2024

Trypsin is activated by?

  1. Trysinogen
  2. Entrokinase
  3. Is always in active form
  4. Erypsin

Instead of alveoli, aves have?

  1. bronchi
  2. parabronchi
  3. bronchioies
  4. malpighian tubules

Among the following CO 2 in 100ml of venous blood is:

  1. 51 ml
  2. 54 ml
  3. 57ml
  4. 58 ml

All have closed circulatory system except?

  1. Annelids
  2. Spiider
  3. Earthworm
  4. Octopus

Meissner and Pacinian corpuscies provide sensation about _ and _-stimulus respectively.

  1. heat and cold
  2. touch and pressure
  3. heat and pain
  4. light and sound

Spondylosis effects which joint?

  1. vertebral joint
  2. knee joint
  3. pectoral joint
  4. pelvis joint

The two unfpaired facial bones are?

  1. Maxia and inferior concha
  2. Zygomatic and lacrimal
  3. Palatine and nasal
  4. Mandible and vomer

The disease caused by congenital deficiency of thyroxin is?

  1. Goiter
  2. Odema
  3. Graves
  4. Cretinism

Which of the following has a diffused nervous system?

  1. planaria
  2. starfish
  3. sycon
  4. nereis

Mimosa plant;s autonomic movement is?

  1. Tactile
  2. Turgor
  3. Growth
  4. None of these

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