FDE EST English Past Paper April 2024

What is the word for a play on words?

  1. Paradox
  2. Irony
  3. Pun
  4. Metaphor

Which is an example of a proverb?

  1. You can’t have your cake and eat it, too
  2. To be or not to be, that is the question
  3. Out of sight, out of mind
  4. Every cloud has a silver lining

What is a funny poem of five lines called?

  1. Haiku
  2. Sonnet
  3. Limerick
  4. Ode

The affective domain involves :

  1. Knowledge
  2. Skills
  3. Manner
  4. Physical abilities

Unemployment is an index of:

  1. Inflation and price stability
  2. Economic slack and lost output
  3. Industrial growth and productivity
  4. Trade balance and foreign exchange

According to the passage, the unemployment falls most heavily upon all except the:

  1. Young
  2. Old
  3. Unskilled
  4. White middle class


  1. Chef : Kitchen
  2. Pilot : Airport
  3. Painter : Easel
  4. Miner : Quarry

James is walking ___ the school.

  1. to
  2. towards
  3. from
  4. past

The cost to society of unemployment can be measured by all except:

  1. The death rate
  2. Economic productivity
  3. Social welfare spending
  4. Mental health statistics

Serious unemployment results in labor groups to demand:

  1. Increased wages and benefits
  2. More jobs with shorter hours
  3. Higher retirement age
  4. Reduced workplace safety regulations

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