FDE EST English Past Paper April 2024

A normal business reaction to a recession is often to press for:

  1. Protection against imports
  2. Lower taxes on exports
  3. Increased government spending
  4. Reductions in employee benefits

An aspect of the waves is the fact that they

  1. Travel at a constant speed
  2. Always come from the same direction
  3. Often strike during clear weather
  4. Are unaffected by the moon's gravitational pull

These destructive waves are caused by :

  1. Underwater earthquakes
  2. Volcanic eruptions
  3. Strong winds
  4. High tides and currents

The normal maximum width of waves is approximately:

  1. One mile
  2. Ten miles
  3. One hundred miles
  4. One thousand miles

Nothing was done about the waves until:

  1. The invention of radar technology
  2. The development of satellite imagery
  3. The outbreak of World War II
  4. The creation of tsunami warning systems

The motion of the waves has been calculated at a speed of:

  1. More than a hundred miles an hour
  2. Fifty miles an hour c
  3. One thousand miles an hour
  4. Ten miles an hour

Greenhouse : Plant ::

  1. Cage : Animal
  2. Aquarium : Fish
  3. Incubator : Infant
  4. Stable : Horse

They have been living in Switzerland _____ seven years.

  1. For
  2. That
  3. It
  4. Was

She lived ___ Australia ___ 2018 ___ 2022.

  1. In / from / until
  2. On / from / to
  3. At / between / and
  4. With / since / till

They went _____ the rain.

  1. Under
  2. Avoiding
  3. Inspite
  4. Despite

IMPORTANT: All FDE EST Past Papers for online test preparation.

Also read: Pedagogy MCQs for education department teaching jobs test preparation online.

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