FDE EST Physics Past Paper | 21-04-2024

The Compton shift is equal to the Compton wavelength at which angle?
  1. 0 degrees
  2. 45 degrees
  3. 90 degrees
  4. 180 degrees
What is the power factor for a pure capacitive circuit?
  1. 0
  2. 0.5
  3. 1
  4. -1
What is the relationship between voltage and current?
  1. Voltage and current are in phase
  2. Voltage leads current by 90 degrees
  3. Voltage lags current by 90 degrees
  4. Voltage and current are 180 degrees out of phase
What are the charge carriers in semiconductors?
  1. Electrons only
  2. Holes only
  3. Electrons and protons
  4. Electrons and holes
What will be the direction of the magnetic field around it?
  1. North to South
  2. South to North
  3. Clockwise
  4. Counter clockwise
When the current passing through an inductor is increased by 100 times, the energy stored in the inductor will increase by?
  1. 100 times
  2. 1,000 times
  3. 10,000 times
  4. 100,000 time
If the radii of two droplets are in the ratio of 2:3, then their terminal velocities will be in the ratio?
  1. 2:3
  2. 3:2
  3. 4:9
  4. 9:4
If the current is into the page and the wire is perpendicular to the page, then the magnetic field will be?
  1. Directed clockwise
  2. Directed counter clockwise
  3. Directed outward from the page
  4. Directed inward toward the page
What is the velocity required to put a satellite into orbit around the Earth?
  1. 5.8 km/s
  2. 7.8 km/s
  3. 9.8 km/s
  4. 11.8 km/s
If the lift is accelerated downward, what is the apparent weight experienced by an object inside the lift?
  1. m(g+a)
  2. m(g−a)
  3. m(g×a)
  4. m(g÷a)

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