Homo Erectus was early human beings founded in:
A) Java
B) Serbia
C) Africa
D) None of these
The average monthly income of P and Q is Rs. 5050. The average monthly income of Q and R is Rs. 6250. The average monthly income of P and R is Rs. 5200. What will be the monthly income of P?
A) 3500
B) 4000
C) 4050
D) 5000
The European Institute of Gender Equality (EIGE) works under:
A) United Nation
B) European Union
C) Autonomously
D) African Union
Montana Island is in the …….?
A) Indian Ocean
B) Pacific Ocean
C) Arctic Ocean
D) Atlantic Ocean
Reflection is a/an:
A) Noun
B) Adverb
C) Pronoun
D) Adjective
Osaka is a famous city of:
A) China
B) Korea
C) Japan
D) Thailand
Izmir Treaty was signed in:
A) 1977
B) 1991
C) 1992
D) 1993
The most urban province of Pakistan is:
A) Punjab
C) Sindh
D) Baluchistan
In MS Word to combine cells of a table’s row/column you ….. the cells:
A) Merge
B) Simplify
C) Join
D) Link
Supreme Court Building in Islamabad was designed by Kenzo-Tange. He was ……?
A) Turkish
B) Japanese
C) Chinese
D) Greek