FGEI Psychology Past Papers MCQs

FGEI Psychology Past Papers MCQs for Federal Government Education Institutions Psychology lecturer test preparation online.

FGEI Psychology Past Papers MCQs

I am afraid ___ cats.
  1. Off
  2. Of
  3. In
  4. On
  5. All of these
Maslow divided human needs into _____ categories.
  1. Three
  2. Five
  3. Four
  4. Six
Sigmund Freud gave the concept of?
  1. Id, Conscious, Unconscious
  2. Ego, Personality, Character
  3. Superego, Traits, Temperaments
  4. Id, Ego, Superego
Social Cognitive Therapy (SCT) analyzes?
  1. Childhood experiences and unconscious thoughts
  2. Cognitive distortions and behavioral patterns
  3. Environmental influences and observational learning
  4. Dream symbolism and repressed emotions
Punishment is effective when the behavior?
  1. Increases
  2. Stays the same
  3. Weakens
  4. Disappears completely
The opposite of melancholy is?
  1. Euphoria
  2. Anxiety
  3. Depression
  4. Elation
The opposite of poverty is?
  1. Wealth
  2. Prosperity
  3. Affluence
  4. All of the above
The opposite of ostentatious is?
  1. Humble
  2. Flashy
  3. Simple
  4. Extravagant
We learn new things through?
  1. Reinforcement
  2. Imitation
  3. Observation
  4. Inspiration
What makes a teacher famous?
  1. When students love him/her
  2. When their parents love him/her
  3. When the teacher loves the students
  4. None of these

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