Basic Finance MCQs

Basic Finance MCQs with Answers including introduction and fundamental of finance for banking and business.

Basic Finance MCQs

The intrinsic value of call option is:

A. stock price ⁄ exercise price
B. stock price – exercise price
C. stock price + exercise price
D. stock price x exercise price

The type of voting in which the owner having half voting shares can elect board of directors is called:

A. directors voting
B. half voting
C. straight voting
D. owners voting

According to futures contract, the long position states the:

A. purchase of forward contracts
B. purchase of future contract
C. sale of futures contract
D. sales of forward contracts

The type of liability in which the stockholders losses are counted for only the invested amount in the firm is classified as:

A. counted liability
B. invested liability
C. unlimited liability
D. limited liability

The type of voting in which all the directors in voting lists are voted at same time is classified as:

A. cumulative voting
B. non-cumulative voting
C. dual class voting
D. limited voting

The stock holder who does not have any voting rights in the corporation is considered as:

A. sub class voter
B. preferred stockholder
C. common stock holder
D. cumulative voter

Consider buying the call option, if the price of stock falls then the buyer of call option has:

A. high potential of profit
B. low potential of profit
C. low potential of losses
D. high potential of losses

The process in which the group of investment banks distribute the securities is classified as:

A. task groups
B. syndicate
C. investment groups
D. securitize groups

The type of financial security whose payoff is linked to any other security is called:

A. strong security
B. semi-strong security
C. derivate security
D. non-derivate security

When the earnings are reinvested instead of payments of dividends, then the capital gains:

A. must increases
B. must decreases
C. must be zero
D. must be one

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