Basic Finance MCQs

The types of corporate stock that are traded in exchange markets are:

A. common stock
B. preferred stock
C. quoted stock
D. both A and B

The intrinsic value of option is $280 and the price of option is $350 then the time value of option is:

A. 125
B. 135
C. 280
D. 70

In interest rate swap transaction, the party who pays the fixed payments of interest is classified as:

A. notion buyer
B. notion seller
C. swap buyer
D. swap seller

The type of exchange members who only buy and sell for their personal account are classified as:

A. non-investment traders
B. professional traders
C. commercial traders
D. investment traders

The markets in which new securities are issued by the corporations to raise funds are called:

A. primary markets
B. secondary markets
C. Gross markets
D. proceeds markets

The difference between net proceeds and gross proceeds is called:

A. non-participating spread
B. participating spread
C. under writer spread
D. over writer spread

The composite value of traded stocks group of secondary markets is classified as:

A. stock index
B. primary index
C. stock market index
D. limited liability index

The contract which gives the rights to holders to sell or buy the asset at specific time period rather than giving the obligation is classified as:

A. option
B. contract
C. obligatory contract
D. non-obligatory contract

The example of derivative securities is:

A. return backed security
B. mortgage backed security
C. cash flow backed security
D. interest backed security

The orders that are transacted at specified price are considered as:

A. red herring order
B. limit order
C. unlimited order
D. assets order

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