Food Science And Technology MCQs

Milk proteins of cow milk contains maximum amount of ______?

A. β-lacto globulin
B. α-lactolbumin
C. Serum albumin
D. All the above

Maximum amount of casein is present in _______?

A. Buffalo milk
B.  Cow milk milk
C. Goat milk
D. Sheep milk

For preservation of fruit dehydration is carried out by _____?

A. Vacuum drier
B. Tunnel drier
C. Puff drying
D. all the above

WHO recommended daily intake of calcium for adults is _____?

A. 200-300 mg
B. 300-400 mg
C. 400-500 mg
D. All the above

The deficiency of vitamin B-2 is adults causes _______?

A. Cheilosis
B. Glostitis
C. Eye itching
D. All the above

The deficiency of vitamin K in human causes _______?

A. Uncontrolled bleeding
B. Internal hemorrhage
C. Prolonged blood clotting
D. all the above

Vitamin A deficiency result in _____?

A. Xeroderma
B. Xerophthalmia
C. Conical ulceration
D. All the above

Which one of the following is the soluble vitamins ______?

A. Vitamin D
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin A
D. Both a & c

Protein denaturation is brought about by _____?

A. Heat
B. pH of the medium
C. Ionic strength
D. All the above

Amino acid with no polar R group are ____?

A. Hydrophilic
B. Hydrophobic
C. Aromatic
D. None of the above

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