Food Science And Technology MCQs

Which one of the following is the best known, most widely used food flavour enhancer _____?

A. Ether
B. Alcohol
C. Monosodium glutamic acid All the above
D. All the above

Which one of the following is synthetic flavour _____?

A. Esters
B. Aldehydes
C. Ketones
D. All the above

Texture of pastries, cookies and crackers is evaluated by ____?

A. Warner-Bratzler sheer
B. Short meter
C. Compress meter
D. All the above

The food colour measurement can be obtained by ______?

A. Spectrophotometer
B. Tint meters
C. Disc colourimetry
D. All the above

Egg quality is determined by _______?

A. Albumin
B. Yolk
C. Germ spot
D. All the above

Milk proteins are rich in ______?

A. Cysteine
B. Methionine
C. Lysine
D. All the above

Maximum amount of whey proteins are found in _______?

A. Buffalo milk
B. Cow milk milk
C. Goat milk
D. Sheep milk

The average per capita world consumption of milk per head per day is _____?

A. 160 g
B. 250 g
C. 320 g
D. Non of the above

The function of acids in food is to _______?

A. Intensity & modified the taste
B. Act as ciectton pair accpot
C. Act as microbial inhibitor
D. All the above

The deficiency of Niacin in adults causes _____?

A. Dementia
B. Diarrhea
C. Ulcerated mouth & tongue
D. All the above

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