The deficiency of vitamin B-1 is adults causes ______?
A. Fatigue
B. Depressions
C. Irritability
D. All the above
The deficiency of vitamin D in human causes ______?
A. Rickets
B. Osteomalecia
C. Decalcification
D. All the above
Which one of the following is water soluble vitamin _____?
A. Vitamin B
B. Vitamin E
C. Vitamin K
D. None of the above
The recommended daily intake of protein per kilogram by WHO for an individual is ______?
A. 0.25 g
B. 0.49 g
C. 0.59 g
D. None of the above
Protein denaturation is the result of the modification of ______?
A. Primary structure
B. Secondary structure
C. Tertiary structure
D. Both b & c
The flavor of butter, milk and cheese due to _______?
A. Long chain fatty acids
B. Short chain fatty acids
C. Saturated fatty acids
D. Unsaturated fatty acids
Undesirable flavor in the food during storage is due to ______?
A. Prooxidants
B. Antioxidants
C. Rancidity
D. None of the above
The plant trigly cerides are rich in _____?
A. Saturated fatty acids
B. Unsaturated fatty acids
C. Steroids
D. None of the above
Agar is an extract from ______?
A. Fungi
B. Algae
C. Bacteria
D. None of the above
The interaction of polysaccharides form _______?
A. Hydrogen bonds
B. Carbon bonds
C. Nitrogen bonds
D. None of the above