Forestry MCQs

All the living organisms on the earth interacting with atmosphere constitute:

A. Biosphere
B. Community
C. Biome
D. Association

Food chains are met with only in the:

A. Sea
B. Forests
C. Deserts
D. In all these places

A biotic community comprises:

A. Plants only
B. Animals only
C. Plants and animals
D. Plants or animals

The river mouth ecosystem is called:

A. Estuarine
B. Lotic
C. Lentic
D. None of these

The trophic structure in an ecosystem is in fact:

A. Producer-consumer arrangement
B. Refers to grazing food chain only
C. Never forms a food web
D. Never photosynthesis dependent

The amount of living matter present in a component population of a particular trophic level is called:

A. Standing crop
B. Standing quality
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. Standing state

Every ecosystem must have a continuous external source of:

A. Energy
B. Oxygen
C. Living organism
D. Bacteria

The source of energy in an ecosystem is:

A. sugar stored in plants
B. Light received from the sun
C. Heat liberated during fermentation
D. Heat liberated during respiration

The pyramid of biomass is variable in some:

A. Grassland ecosystems
B. Pond ecosystems
C. Parasitic ecosystems
D. Forest ecosystems

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