In a forest ecosystem, the numerical relationship between the producers and herbivores:
A. Producers more than herbivores
B. Producers equal to herbivores
C. Producers less than herbivores
D. Variable
In a sugarcane field the net productivity in terms of kg/m2/year, is:
A. 0.2-0.4
B. 2?4
C. 4?6
D. 0.6-0.8
According to Lindemann, the percentage of net production passed on to carnivores is:
A. 28.6
B. 26.8
C. 22.6
D. 22.8
The rate of storage at consumer level is:
A. Secondary productivity
B. Tertiary productivity
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. Net productivity
The percentage of water bound in lithosphere and sedimentary rocks is:
A. 75
B. 65
C. 85
D. 95
Sulphur is returned to the soil by:
A. Producers only
B. Producers and consumers
C. Consumers and decomposers
D. All of these
Which of the following serves as source of carbon in plants:
A. CO2 of carbonic rocks
B. Atmospheric CO2
C. Fossil fuel
D. All of the above
The SO2 is returned to the atmosphere by:
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A. Metabolism of producers
B. Metabolism of consumers
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. Combustion of fuel