Forestry MCQs

When a big fish eats a small fish, which easts water-fleas supported by phytoplankton, the water leas are:

A. Primary consumers
B. Producers
C. Secondary consumers
D. Top consumers in this food chain

A plant, being eaten by a herbivore which in turn is eaten by a carnivore, makes a:

A. Food chain
B. Web of food
C. Biomass
D. Interdependence

Deer's are:

A. Autotrophic
B. Heterotrophic
C. Herbivores
D. Atrophic

Which group of three living organisms, given below is a link in food chain: Green plants …. Hawk:

A. Grasshopper, frog, snake
B. Grasshopper, rat, snake
C. Millipedes, centipedes, sparrow
D. Earthworm, hen, rat

Energy flow and energy transformations in living systems strictly conform to the:

A. Law of limiting factors
B. Liebig’s law of minimum
C. Laws of thermo dynamics
D. Shelford’s law of tolerance
E. Biogenetic law

The living steady state has a self-regulatory mechanism which is:

A. Feedback mechanism
B. Homeotherms
C. Homozygous
D. Homeostasis
E. Heterozygous

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