Forestry MCQs

The study of interaction between living organisms and environment in a specific area is the study of:

A. Photobiology
B. Phytogeography
C. Ecosystem
D. Phytosociology

The whale is:

A. Primary producer
B. Secondary consumer
C. A decomposer
D. Herbivores

When peacock eats snakes which eat insects thriving on green plants, peacock is:

A. A primary consumer
B. A primary decomposer
C. Final decomposer
D. The apex of the food pyramid

The earth’s atmosphere in which organisms live, is called:

A. Ecosystem
B. Ectosome
C. Biosphere
D. Bioeconomic

In a fish aquarium green aquatic plants are grown primarily for:

A. Oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Fish feed
D. Decoration

The phytoplanktonic forms of plants are:

A. Insectivorous type
B. Heterotrophs
C. Chemotrophs
D. Autotrophs

In a food chain, the initial organism is:

A. Herbivore
B. Photosynthesis
C. Carnivore
D. Symbiotic

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