FPSC Medical Officer Past Papers

The other name of 'median' is:
  1. 25th percentile
  2. 40th percentile
  3. 50th percentile
  4. 75th percentile
Medical ethics, privacy is the right of the person not to share information about:
  1. others
  2. patients
  3. themselves
  4. disease
The values of prevalence and incidence differs particularly in case of:
  1. acute abdominal pain
  2. injuries
  3. diabetes mellitus
  4. measles
The "prevalence" is the measure useful to evaluate the occurrence of:
  1. disease with long incubation period
  2. chronic disease
  3. acute disease
  4. rapidity fatal disease
Which of the following epidemiological study design is particularly suitable for research on rare disease:
  1. case control study
  2. cross section study
  3. cohort study
  4. longitudinal study
In case of hoarseness of voice the site of lesion is:
  1. base of tongue
  2. vallecula
  3. vocal cord
  4. pyriform fossa
  5. aryepiglottic folds
Which of the following is iceberg disease:
  1. acute gastroenteritis
  2. malaria
  3. dengue fever
  4. hypertension
  5. plague
The junction of the cornea and sclera is known as:
  1. angle of anterior chamber
  2. trabecular mesh work
  3. limbus
  4. collaret line
  5. sulcus
The levator palpebrae superioris muscle is supplied by:
  1. 3rd nerve
  2. 4th nerve
  3. 5th nerve
  4. 6th nerve
  5. 7th nerve
Which of the following is imidazole derivative:
  1. thiopentone sodium
  2. methohexitone
  3. propofol
  4. etomidate

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