FPSC Medical Officer Past Papers

The treatment of Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma is:
  1. radiotherapy
  2. chemotherapy
  3. surgery
  4. hormonal therapy
  5. I/V antibiotics

Aphakia is defined as:

  1. presence of lens in its normal position
  2. absence of lens from its normal position
  3. subluxation of lens
  4. upward deviation
  5. change in colour of lens
Which of the following is the most common cause of neonatal deaths in developing countries:
  1. neonatal sepsis
  2. amoebiasis
  3. neonatal tetanus
  4. meningitis
  5. birth asphyxia
It is true regarding facial nerve paralysis, except:
  1. also seen in herpes-zoster
  2. bell's paralysis
  3. it can be detected on C.T. scan
  4. supra-nuclear damage
Which hormone causes ejection of milk from a lactating mammary gland:
  1. oxytocin
  2. FSH
  3. growth hormone
  4. LH
  5. Prolactin
Tumour secreting placental alkaline phosphatase is:
  1. carcinoid tumour
  2. arrhenoblastoma
  3. granulosa cell tumour
  4. dysgerminoma
which one of the following is true about Acute Myloid Leukemia:
  1. never caused by chemotherapy
  2. not associated with DIC Sac
  3. More than 20% blasts for Diagnosis
  4. Most common in children
In the P wave:
  1. it represent activated of Rt atrium
  2. P wave is upright in lead AVR
  3. Normal P wave is 3 m.m is height
  4. Normal P wave is 2.5 m.m n width
  5. it is biphasic normally
Regarding the normal ketone body level in human is as under:
  1. 1.5 -----2 mg/dl
  2. 1.8-----3 mg/dl
  3. 1.9----3.5 mg/dl
  4. 2.5-----3.8mg/dl

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