FPSC Medical Officer Past Papers

Regarding rheumatic fever the diagnostic is:
  1. ASO titer
  2. Serum urea
  3. Serum creatinine
  4. Throst swab culture
  5. Urine routine assay
The inspiratory centre is situated in:
  1. upper part of medulla oblongata
  2. nucleus ambiguous anteriorly
  3. reticular formation of lower pons
  4. dorsolateral part of reticular formation in upper pons
  5. lower part of pons
Conjunctival follicles are seen in:
  1. trachoma
  2. spring catarrh
  3. keratitis
  4. muco purulent conjunctivitis
  5. strepto coccal conjucticitis
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy:
  1. it occurs in 2nd trimester
  2. it can cause acute hepatic failure
  3. treatment is immediate delivery of fetus
  4. the cause of fatty live is pregnancy
  5. the cause is unknown
Immunization against hepatitis B also protects against which of the following infection:
  1. hepatitis A
  2. hepatitis C
  3. hepatitis E
  4. hepatitis D
  5. none of these
Best high risk disease management protocol in gestational trophoblastic disease includes:
  1. EP/EMA or TE/TP
  2. EMA.CO therapy
  3. Methotrexate only
  4. Methotrexate and Actinomycin
  5. Methotrexate
After gastrectomy which one of the following conditions may happen:
  1. alkalosis
  2. malabsorption
  3. streatrorrhra
  4. anemia
  5. protein losing diarrhea
Regarding the drug of choice in Chalmydia Trachomatis infection during pregnancy:
  1. metronidazole
  2. cephazolin
  3. amoxicillin
  4. tera cyclin
  5. clindamycin
Which of the following occur in long standing case of chronic suppurative otitis media:
  1. Acoustic neuroma
  2. Glomus tumor
  3. Persistent T.M perforation
  4. Base cell carcinoma
  5. Mienier's Disease

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