FPSC Past Paper for Assistant Director MCQs

The president of United Nations General Assembly in 1962 -63 was :
  1. Abdul Rehman
  2. Zafar Ullah Khan
  3. Adam Malik
  4. None of these

آنگن کس کا مشہور ناول ہے؟

  1. بانو قدسیہ
  2. عصمت
  3. خدیجہ مستور
  4. ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

If (2x+3)(ax-5)=12x²+bx-15 for all values of x, what is the value of b?

  1. 06
  2. 08
  3. 10
  4. 12

Al-Risalah book wrote by :

  1. Iman Malik
  2. Imam Hanbal
  3. Imam Shafee
  4. None of these

Tawaf Al-Qudum is :

  1. Wajib
  2. Farz
  3. Nafil
  4. Sunnat

Banu Abbas Khilafat ended in which hijri ?

  1. 656 hijri
  2. 658 hijri
  3. 660 Hijri
  4. 666 hijri

Battle in which Holy prophetﷺ not participated is known as :

  1. Jaziya
  2. Sariyya
  3. Sayee
  4. Al-Fay

Ahmad Shah Pitras Bukhari was a famous writer of which language?

  1. Hindi
  2. English
  3. Punjabi
  4. Urdu

A metal that is liquid at room temperature?

  1. Mercury
  2. iron
  3. metal
  4. silver

Which was the official language declared in 1956 constitution?

  1. Urdu
  2. Bengali
  3. Punjabi
  4. Both A & B

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