FPSC SST General Past Papers

Validity of an assessment relates to the ___________ of an assessment?

  1. Usefulness
  2. Quality
  3. Consistency
  4. Relevance
  5. All of these

Good reading aims at developing _____

  1. Pronunciation
  2. Sensitivity
  3. Increased factual knowledge
  4. Understanding

The evaluation of personality is best made through the use of _____?

  1. Survey test
  2. Inventory test
  3. Projective test
  4. Preference test
  5. All of these

According to pragmatists which one is the most widely accepted method of education _____?

  1. Learning through reading
  2. Learning by doing
  3. Lecture method
  4. Demonstration method

John Dewey said that education is a purely _______ process.

  1. Common
  2. Mental
  3. Friendly
  4. Social
  5. All of these

The term curriculum is derived from the Latin word Currere, which means:

  1. To run the course
  2. Set of subjects
  3. To educate
  4. Contents of course

Which needs comes last in the Maslow's needs hierarchy?

  1. Safety needs
  2. Self actualization
  3. Self esteem
  4. None

The word 'curriculum' is derived from:

  1. Greek
  2. Arabic
  3. Persian
  4. Latin
  5. Urdu

What is the philosophical outlook of Rousseau about learning activities

  1. Learning through play and by doing
  2. learning by reading journal paper
  3. Learning through computer
  4. learning from books
  5. all of these

Piagent maintains that a child`s mental development took place through a balance between?

  1. Assimilation and accommodation
  2. thinking and creating
  3. observation and experiment
  4. expression and emotion
  5. all of these

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