Fundamental of Electrical Engineering MCQs

Power dissipation in ideal inductor is:

A. Maximum
B. Minimum
C. Zero
D. A finite value

Which of the following are the passive elements:

A. Resistor
B. Bulb
C. Both
D. None of these.

If 1 A current flows in a circuit, the number of electrons flowing through this circuit is:

A. 0.625 × 1019
B. 1.6 × 1019
C. 1.6 × 10-19
D. 0.625 × 10-19

The resistivity of the conductor depends on:

A. area of the conductor.
B. length of the conductor.
C. type of material.
D. none of these.

How many coulombs of charge flow through a circuit carrying a current of 10 A in 1 minute:

A. 10
B. 60
C. 600
D. 1200

The unit of resistivity is:

A. Ω.
B. Ω – metre.
C. Ω / metre.
D. Ω / m².

Magnetic flux has the unit of:

A. Newton
B. Ampere-turn
C. Weber
D. Tesla

Which of the followings is/are active element:

A. Voltage source
B. Current source
C. Both
D. None of these

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