Fundamental of Electrical Engineering MCQs

The effects of EMI can be reduced by:

A. Suppressing emissions
B. Reducing the efficiency of the coupling path
C. Reducing the susceptibility of the receptor
D. All of these

Choppers is a:

A. AC – DC converters
B. AC – AC converters
C. DC – AC converters
D. DC – DC converters

In BJT, switching losses occurs:

A. Only at turn – on
B. Only at turn – off
C. Both at turn on and off
D. None of these

As the breakdown voltage reached, the DIAC exhibits:

A. Negative resistance characteristics
B. Goes into avalanche condition
C. Voltage drop snaps back
D. All of these

DIAC are specifically designed to trigger:

D. Only (a) and (b)

In a 3 phase bridge rectifier the ripple frequency is:

A. Equal to the input frequency
B. Twice the input frequency
C. Three times the input frequency
D. Six times the input frequency

For power output higher than 15 kW, the suitable rectifier is:

A. Single phase
B. 3 phase
C. Poly phase
D. Only (b) and (c)

In a full wave rectifier, the rectification ratio is approximately equal to:

A. 61%
B. 71%
C. 81%
D. 91%

In a single phase full wave rectifier, during blocking state the pea inverse voltage of diode is:

A. V m
B. 2 V m
C. V m / 2
D. 4 V m

A single phase ac – dc converter is also known as:

A. rectifier
B. inverter
C. chopper
D. regulator

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