Fundamental of Electrical Engineering MCQs

BCT is used for:

A. High power phase control
B. High power current control
C. Low power current control
D. Low power phase control

Which of following devices has highest di/dt and dv/dt capability:


Which triggering is the most reliable:

A. forward blocking mode
B. reverse blocking mode
C. both forward and reverse blocking mode
D. forward conduction mode

Which of the following is disadvantage of fast recovery diodes:

A. Recovery is only 5 µs
B. Recovery is only 50 µs
C. Doping is carried out
D. None of these

A power semiconductor may undergo damage due to:

A. High di/dt
B. High dv/dt
C. Low di/dt
D. Low dv/dt

If the anode current is 800 A, then the amount of current required to turn off the GTO is about:

A. 20 A
B. 200 A
C. 600 A
D. 400 A

What is used to protect the SCR from over current:

A. CB and fuse.
B. Heat sink.
C. Snubber circuit.
D. Voltage clamping device

Which semiconductor device acts like a diode and two transistor:

B. Diac
C. Triac

Under over voltage condition impedance offered by the voltage clamping device is:

A. low
B. High
C. moderate
D. infinity

The latching current of GTO should be of order:

A. 100 mA
B. 500 mA
C. 1 A
D. 2 A

The maximum di/dt in a SCR is:

A. Directly proportional to supply voltage
B. Directly proportional to inductance in the circuit
C. Inversely proportional to supply voltage
D. Both A and B

Example of a voltage clamping device:

A. fast acting fuse
B. snubber circuit
C. metal oxide varistor
D. aluminium block

Switching frequency of SITH is:

A. 5 KHz
B. 10 KHz
C. 60 KHz
D. 100 KHz

Thyristor can be protected from over voltages by using:

A. voltage clamping device.
B. fuse.
C. heat sink.
D. snubber circuit.

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