General Science Class 10

The book “Kitab-ul-manazir” was written by :

  1. Jabir bin Hayan
  2. Ibn-al-Haitham
  3. Ali Ibn-Isa
  4. Bu-Ali Sina

Sensory hair-cells are present in :

  1. Retina
  2. Cochlea
  3. Skin
  4. Nose

The gonads are the target organ for :

  1. FSH
  2. LH
  3. Both a & b
  4. None of these

Irritation caused by stimulus is the main cause of :

  1. Tropism
  2. Movement
  3. Locomotion
  4. Arthritis

The frame work which gives shape to any structure called?

  1. Architecture
  2. Bone
  3. Cartilage
  4. Skeleton

The cartilage are made up of cells called?

  1. Osteoclast
  2. Osteocytis
  3. Chondrocytes
  4. Chaonocytes

The head of femur attached with :

  1. Pelvic girdles
  2. Pectoral girdle
  3. Scapula
  4. Acetabulum of pelvic gridles

The large muscles of arm is :

  1. Bicep
  2. Tricep
  3. Tetracep
  4. Pentacep

The band of tough, fibrous, connective tissue which are attached to bone at joints called :

  1. Ligament
  2. Tendon
  3. Bicep
  4. Tricep

Softening and weakening of bone in children due to deficiency of vitamin D called :

  1. Osteoporosis
  2. Osteoarthritis
  3. Rickets
  4. Rheumatic fever

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