GHQ LDC Past Paper MCQs

Kidney stones is caused due to

  1. sulpher dioxide
  2. Calcium dioxide
  3. Aluminum dioxide
  4. None

Which agreement signed between India and Pakistan in the year 1960?

  1. No strike agreement
  2. Tashkent Declaration
  3. Free Trade Agreement
  4. Shimla Agreement
  5. Indus Water Treaty

بین کرنا کس شعری صنف کا جز ھے؟

  1. مرثیہ
  2. مثنوی
  3. قصیدہ
  4. None

سبز قدم ھونا ـمحاورہ ھے اس کا مفھوم ھےـ

  1. مبارک ھونا
  2. چاروں طرف سبزہ ھونا
  3. منحوس ھونا
  4. None

Syed Ahmad Shaheed was martyred in?

  1. 1731
  2. 1831
  3. 1732
  4. 1832
  5. None of these

Name the youngest elected president of USA?

  1. Henry Truman
  2. John F Kennedy
  3. Jackson
  4. Obama
  5. None

Liaquat - Nehru pact was announced at Delhi in

  1. April 1950
  2. March 1950
  3. February 1950
  4. None

Haemodialysis cleans_____

  1. Veins
  2. Blood
  3. nerves
  4. None

مسدس ---------- اشعار کے ایک قلطعہ پر مشتمل شاعری کا نام ہے

  1. چار
  2. چھ
  3. اٹھ
  4. دس

In Rann of Kutch dispute in 1965, Pakistan declared frontier between Pakistan and India is?

  1. 24th Parallel Line
  2. 34th Parallel Line
  3. 49th Parallel Line
  4. None of the above

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