GHQ UDC Past Paper MCQs

London tower is located in:
  1. England
  2. USA
  3. India
  4. France
What is the temperature of liquid nitrogen?
  1. -196 degree C
  2. -156 degree C
  3. -150 degree C
  4. None of these
Who was known as “Man of Destiny”?
  1. Musolini
  2. Hitler
  3. Nehru
  4. Napoleon
What is Kuroshio Current known as?
  1. Black Stream
  2. Japan Current
  3. Black Current
  4. All of above
Who are Haroot and Maroot in the Quran?
  1. Angels
  2. Prophets
  3. Companions
  4. None of these
In which country is the Gateway Arch located?
  1. USA
  2. UK
  3. UAE
  4. France
In __ model services like online banking, travel and health information
  1. B2C
  2. B2B
  3. C2C
  4. None of these
The peace treaty of the Council of Westphalia was signed in:
  1. 1647
  2. 1648
  3. 1650
  4. None of these

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Also Read: General Knowledge MCQs, Computer MCQs, and Pakistan Studies MCQs for MCQs test preparation.

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