General Knowledge MCQs Quiz 47

GK MCQs Quiz 47

1 / 20

Which of the following countries is an archipelago located in the Indian Ocean?

2 / 20

Degrees on a map are divided into 60 equal parts. What are these parts called?

3 / 20

The president of USA ____ asked British Government to divide India into two parts namely Muslim India and Hindu India?

4 / 20

Who Was the First Woman to run for President of the United States?

5 / 20

Disappointment island is in which country?

6 / 20

Whose face was first uploaded on Facebook?

7 / 20

Cape Agulhas is where the two oceans meet?


8 / 20

Which if the following countries is closest in size to Pakistan?

9 / 20

Which of the following country is called enclave?

10 / 20

Madagascar is off the coast of which country?

11 / 20

Zacatecas is a state located in which country?

12 / 20

What continent is home to all the world’s countries that begin with “Z”?

13 / 20

Which of the following countries is closest in size to Sri Lanka?

14 / 20

How many times the National Flag of Aganistan has been changed in last 100 years?

15 / 20

Who has the longest reign among following?

16 / 20

Maya beach is located in which country?

17 / 20

The longest primate animal in the world is ?

18 / 20

The first intelligible words to be ever recorded on a telephone on March 10, 1876, were?

19 / 20

Mr bean (Rowan Atkinson) Belongs to ?

20 / 20

Name of Japan’s bicameral legislature (Parliament) is ?

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The average score is 56%


GK Questions for Class 1 to 8 With Answers

In this important gk questions for class 1 to 8 with answers, there are a total of twenty questions to solve online.

This quiz mcqs questions will help the job seekers aspirants to understand basic concepts of GK Quiz.

Candidates must attempt all the questions in this gk test. After the completion, the students must submit their test to see their marks for this test. 

This gk test contains most important questions, mostly from the past papers. We have an average score of other candidates who participate in this gk questions for class 1 to 8 with answers. 

The average score of others in this gk quizzes series, helps the candidates to compare their preparation level with competitors.

This gk questions for class 1 to 8 with answers is an effort from to support candidates in preparation of their upcoming gk test.

Read More: General Knowledge MCQs

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