Greenwich Maritime and Time Zone MCQs

Important Greenwich Maritime Related MCQs for one paper mcqs test and competitive exams preparation online.

Greenwich Maritime Related MCQs

The Greenwich is located near : London

In how many time zones has the world been divided? 24

Most time zones country? France (12 time zone)

Russia is divided into how many time zones? 11

Earth complete one rotation on its axis in : 23 hours and 56 mints and 4.9 seconds

Degree of Greenwich in England ? 0 degree

Day and night are equal throughout the globe when the sun is above: Equator

Sense of time is due to: Rotation of earth

The calendar days of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres are separated by : International Date Line

The places lying in Eastern Hemisphere see the sunlight before Western Hemisphere because Earth rotates from: west to east

The number of longitudes are : 360°

The International Date Line is : 180° longitude

Which of the following cities is the closest to the Equator? Singapore

The shortest day of the year is: 22 December

When ship crosses Dateline from west to east? It loses one day

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the standard time of which of the following countries? UK

The earth turns through 360° : One hour

One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of: 69 miles

The International Date-line is located in the___ Ocean? Pacific Ocean

The local time of a place is known with reference to its : Longitudinal position

What is a chronometer? A highly accurate timepiece which is used to keep Greenwich meantime

In which month is the Earth the closest to the sun? January

The sun always rise in the east because : The earth rotates from west to east

At what angle above the horizon must the sun to be create a rainbow: 40 degrees

The normal curing period for the lime mortar is : 7 days

A well conditioned triangle has no angle less than : 30 degree

What is the new maximum temperature that has been recorded in Antarctica? 18.3 C

The International Dateline passes through the: Bering Strait

Latitude of South Pole is? 90°

Which is the only continent through which the Tropic of Cancer, Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn passes? Africa

The Earth is divided into western and eastern hemispheres by the : Prime Meridian

Which of the following longitudes is the standard meridian of Pakistan? 74°22'E

IMPORTANT: General Knowledge MCQs and General Knowledge Quizzes for competitive exams and one paper mcqs test preparation.

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