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From Mina, Muzdalfa is ______ miles away.
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
How many Meeqats of Kaaba?
- 2
- 3
- 5
- 7
What is most important step after Waquf?
- Tawaf
- Sayee
- Jamarat
- Arafat
What does the term "Jamarat" refer to in Hajj?
- Sacred Mosque in Mecca
- Stoning pillars in Mina
- Ritual prayer during Tawaf
- Circumambulation of the Kaaba
When is the stoning of Jamarat performed during Hajj?
- Beginning of the pilgrimage
- After Tawaf
- Midway through Hajj
- Last days of Hajj
There are ______ Jamarats.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Three upright stones are called?
- Jamarat
- Waquf
- Arafat
- None of the above
The smallest Jamarat is called?
- Jamarat-ul-Oola
- Jamarat-ul-Sughra
- Jamarat-ul-Mola
- Both A and B
Jamarat which is nearest to Makkah is called?
- Jamarat-ul-Oola
- Jamarat-ul-Sughra
- Jamarat-ul-Uqba
- Jamarat-ul-Mola
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