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During Hajj, pilgrims shave their heads as a symbol of humility and submission. what is this act called?
- Sa'i
- Tawaf
- Halq
- Ihram
What is the significance of the Black Stone (Hajar al Aswad) located in Kaaba?
- It marks the starting point of tawaif
- Pilgrims Run past in during Tawaif
- It represents the devil
- It is used in ritaul of Sa'i
What is the state of Consecration entered by pilgrims before performing the rituals of Hajj?
- Sujud
- Ihram
- Wudu
- Qiyam
Hajj e Badal is that one:
- Which one could not be performed last year
- Which is performed for another person who can/could not perform it himself
- In which Umrah is also intended
- When instead of Hajj Umrah is performed
Hajj is obligatory on:
- Every Muslim
- On Old ones
- On women
- On those who can afford
A Muslim woman cannot travel alone:
- To mosque
- To Hajj journey
- To Eid prayers
- To Jihad
Which Prophet is associated with the building of the Kaaba, which is central focus of the Hajj pilgrimage?
- Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)
- prophet Musa (Moses)
- Prophet Muhammad
- Prophet Isa (Jesus)
Who performed first Hajj Bait -Ullah ?
- Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Hawa
- Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Hajra
- All
- none
How many times did Muhammad PBUH perform hajj?
- 1
- 2
- 9
- None
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