Hajj MCQs

How many salaah will the Takbeer-e-Tashreeq be recited?
  1. 20 salaah
  2. 23 Salaah
  3. 25 Salaah
  4. 26 Salaah
The Holy Prophet (PBHU) performed Hajj in:
  1. 9 Hijri
  2. 10 Hijri
  3. 8 Hijri
  4. 11 Hijri
What is meant by Hajj e Mabroor?
  1. That Hajj which is performed to obtain the goodwill of Allah
  2. That Hajj which is performed for jinnah
  3. A pilgrimage to the Cave of Hira
  4. None of them
The place where offering prayer is just like offering prayer inside Kaba is called?
  1. Hateem
  2. Muzdalfa
  3. Arafat
  4. None of them
Which Muslim country has highest Hajj Pilgrims?
  1. Pakistan
  2. Turkey
  3. Iran
  4. Indonesia
Who said that Hajj is greatest of all worships?
  1. Imam Shafi
  2. Imam Malik
  3. Imam Hurrairah
  4. None of them
Hajar-e-Aswad’s direction is toward:
  1. East
  2. West
  3. North
  4. South

Read More: Islamiat MCQs

Hajj related mcqs are an important part of Ppsc, Fpsc, Spsc, Kppsc, Bpsc, Nts, Css and all classes exams.

Hajj MCQs are frequently asked in all public service commission exams and jobs test preparation.

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