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Muslim perform Hajj on ____ of Zulhaj.
- 9th day
- 10th day
- 11th day
- None
What is meant by Tawaaf?
- To circle around Kaaba
- Stay at Arafat
- All
- none
The important part of Hajj is :
- Saee
- Waqoof e Arafat
- Tawaf
- None of the above
Qurbani during hajj is performed at?
- Safa
- Muzaldaffa
- Arafat
- Mina
What is the color of Hijra e aswad?
- Black
- White
- Pink
- Green
Tawaf-e-Rukan is _____ component of Hajj?
- Wajib
- Farz
- Nafil
- Sunnat
How many rounds of Tawaf are there ____?
- Four
- Three
- Two
- seven
- None of these
Mabroor Hajj means _____?
- which is performed with deficiencies
- which is observed correctly
- which is not accepted
- which is accepted
Maqbool Hajj means_____?
- which is observed correctly
- which is not accepted
- which is accepted
- which is performed with deficiencies
- None of these
A person who has an intention to offer only Hajj at Meeqat is called_______?
- MUtamtae
- Mufrid
- Qaran
- None of them
- None of these
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