Hajj MCQs

Muslim perform Hajj on ____ of Zulhaj.
  1. 9th day
  2. 10th day
  3. 11th day
  4. None
What is meant by Tawaaf?
  1. To circle around Kaaba
  2. Stay at Arafat
  3. All
  4. none
The important part of Hajj is :
  1. Saee
  2. Waqoof e Arafat
  3. Tawaf
  4. None of the above
Qurbani during hajj is performed at?
  1. Safa
  2. Muzaldaffa
  3. Arafat
  4. Mina
What is the color of Hijra e aswad?
  1. Black
  2. White
  3. Pink
  4. Green
Tawaf-e-Rukan is _____ component of Hajj?
  1. Wajib
  2. Farz
  3. Nafil
  4. Sunnat
How many rounds of Tawaf are there ____?
  1. Four
  2. Three
  3. Two
  4. seven
  5. None of these
Mabroor Hajj means _____?
  1. which is performed with deficiencies
  2. which is observed correctly
  3. which is not accepted
  4. which is accepted
Maqbool Hajj means_____?
  1. which is observed correctly
  2. which is not accepted
  3. which is accepted
  4. which is performed with deficiencies
  5. None of these
A person who has an intention to offer only Hajj at Meeqat is called_______?
  1. MUtamtae
  2. Mufrid
  3. Qaran
  4. None of them
  5. None of these

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