Health and Physical Education MCQs

Smallest bone in Human Body is?

A. Stapes
B. Phalange
C. Radius
D. Fibula

The strongest bone in human body is?

A. Femur
B. Tibia
C. Ulna
D. Wrist bone

BMR is define?

A. Basel Metabolic rate
B. Body mass rate
C. Basic Mass Rate
D. None of these

How many calories an Adult burn a day without doing any exercise?

A. 1800 kal
B. 1900 kal
C. 2500 kal
D. None of these

An Adult need Calcium per day?

A. 2000 mg
B. 2500 mg
C. 3000mg
D. 3500mg

What food increase bone strength?

A. Calcium
B. Vitamin
C. Fats
D. Carbohydrates

The Building block of a living thing is called?

A. Cell
B. Cell Membrane
C. Blood
D. None of these

The Ability of an Individual to pass on their genes to Subsequent Generation?

A. Muscular System
B. Reproductive System
C. Digestive System
D. None of these

Biceps Muscles are located in?

A. Upper Arm
B. Lower Arm
C. Neck
D. Lower Leg

Synonym of heart attack is?

A. Myocardial Infraction
B. Leprosy
C. Tetanus
D. None of these

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