Health and Physical Education MCQs

Hollow muscular organ is :

A. Liver
B. stomach
C. Heart
D. Brain

In human anatomical positions palms should be :

A. Upward
B. Forward
C. Anterior
D. Posterior

The movement of Hand where the thumb touches the 5th finger:

A. Protraction
B. Suppination
C. Opposition
D. Dosriflexion

What is the forward inclination of the shoulder griddle called?

A. Round shoulder
B. Kyphosis
C. Scoliosis
D. Lordosis

The knee joint is a hinge joint between :

A. Femur & Tibia
B. Femur & febula
C. Humerus & Tibia
D. Humerus & Febula

Every movement has :

A. One Axis
B. One plane
C. One Axis & one plane
D. none

Joint in the phalanges and metacarpals are :

A. Pivot joint
B. Sagital plane
C. Hinge joint
D. condyloid joint

Knee joint is an example of :

A. Glidding joint
B. Pivot joint
C. Saddle joint
D. Hinge joint

The structure of which joint permits bending in only one direction is :

A. Pivot joint
B. Hinge joint
C. Glidding joint
D. Ball & socket

Freely movable joint is also called :

A. synerthrosis
B. Amphiarthroses
C. Diarthroses
D. Fibrous

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