Health and Physical Education MCQs

The term systolic is refers to :

A. Contraction of heart
B. Relaxation of heart
C. Volume of heart
D. Output of heart

Which one is more proximal?

A. Humerus
B. ulna
C. Tallus
D. Fibula

Which bone is more distal to our body :

A. Radius
B. ulna
C. Tallus
D. Fibula

ovum in prenatal life is the period of :

A. Fertilization to the end of the first week
B. Second to eight week
C. Third to ten month
D. Neonatal period

Towards the back anatomical term contralateral refers to :

A. Same side of the body
B. opposite side of the body
C. Towards the belly
D. towards the back

inner layers of veins and arteries is called :

A. Tunica Media
B. Zonareticularis
C. continious layer
D. Mezoderm

Sino atrial node exist in :

A. Right auricle
B. Right ventricle
C. B/w left auricle & left ventricle
D. B/W right auricle & right ventricle

Pulmonary veins contains :

A. Oxygenated blood
B. Deoxgenated Blood
C. Plasma
D. Mitocondria

Which part of the heart pumps blood just to lungs?

A. Left Auricle
B. Left ventricle
C. right Auricle
D. Right ventricle

blood flow in heart is :

A. Unidirectional
B. Bidirectional
C. Tridirectional
D. Multidirectional

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