Health and Physical Education Past Papers MCQs​

In cardiac cycle what is the ratio of ventricle systole and ventricle diastole?

  1. 0.1 sec/0.7 sec
  2. 0.2 sec/0.8 sec
  3. 0.3 sec/0.5 sec
  4. None

In cricket terminology 'trimmer is referred to as ?

  1. A delivery that knock off the bails only
  2. A delivery that knock off
  3. Both
  4. None

In which of the following transports processes is the substance to its electrochemical gradient?

  1. Sodium out of nerve cell
  2. Glucose into adipose tissue
  3. Both
  4. None

in which qualitative research approach is the primary goal to gain access to individuals' inner world of experience?

  1. Ethnography
  2. Case study
  3. Phenomenology
  4. Grounded theory

Longest muscle in human body :

  1. Sartorius
  2. Biceps
  3. Deltoid
  4. None

The fruits without seed, like banana, are called :

  1. Parthenogenesis fruits
  2. Parthenocarpic fruits
  3. Seedless fruits
  4. None

The average age of 24 students in a classis 10,if the teachers age is included , the average increase by one .what is the age of teacher

  1. 30
  2. 35
  3. 75
  4. 29

Full form of EXIF :

  1. Exchangeable image file finish
  2. Exchangeable Image File Format
  3. Both
  4. None

The synonym of REPRISAL is :

  1. Relief
  2. Pardon
  3. Retaliation
  4. Remission

Where the Capital of Saudi Arabia is located:

  1. Hijaz
  2. Tehama
  3. Najad
  4. Aarooz

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