Health and Physical Education Past Papers MCQs​

What is excluded in Paragraph formatting :

  1. Margin
  2. Header and footer
  3. Left intend
  4. None

How many years did Nelson Mandela remain in prison?

  1. 23 Years
  2. 22 Years
  3. 24 Years
  4. 27 Years

Muhammad bin Ismail Bukhari is the author of :

  1. Ibn e Maja
  2. Sahih Muslim
  3. Abu Dawood
  4. Sahih Bukhari

Atomic number was discovered by :

  1. Isaac Newton
  2. James chadwak
  3. Henry Moseley
  4. Albert Einstein

First Chief of Staff of Pakistan Army:

  1. General Zia-ul-Haq
  2. General Tikka Khan
  3. General Ayub Khan
  4. General Pervez Musharraf

Rupal Glacier is located in ___ range ,Pakistan

  1. Himalaya
  2. Karakorum
  3. Hindu Kush
  4. Kohistan

Johan Dewey was the father of the theory :

  1. Pragmatism
  2. Socialism
  3. Both
  4. None

IMPORTANT: Read Health and Physical Education MCQs for all classes and public service commission competitive exams preparation.

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