ALL Prophets of Allah MCQs

Where was Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. after leaving Hazrat Hajirah A.S. and Hazrat Ismail A.S. in Makkah:

A) Iraq
B) Jordan
C) Palestine
D) Egypt

How many times Hazrat Hajirah A.S ran from the hill of Safa to Marwa in search of water:

A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 7

Zam Zam emerged from beneath the foot of …… in the valley of Makkah:

A) Hazrat Hajirah A.S
B) Hazrat Ismail A.S
C) Hazrat Ibrahim A.S
D) Hazrat Ishaq A.S

What does mean by Zam Zam:

A) Al-Shafa
B) To stop
C) To flow
D) Al-Rehmat

Zamzam is the word of which language:

A) Arabic
B) Hebrew
C) Avestan
D) English

The depth of Zamzam well is:

A) 98 ft
B) 110 ft
C) 120 ft
D) 130 ft

Mention the date on which Hazrat Ibrahim A.S made the intention to sacrifice Hazrat Ismaeel A.S:

A) 10th of Zil-Hajj
B) 11th of Zil-Hajj
C) 12th of Zil-Hajj
D) 13th of Zil-Hajj

The place chosen to sacrifice Hazrat Ismail A.S was:

A) Muzdalfa
B) Mina
C) Meeqat
D) Safa

Which animal was provided in place of Hazrat Ismail’s A.S. for sacrifice by Allah:

A) Camel
B) Goat
C) Cow
D) Ram

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