ALL Prophets of Allah MCQs

Which prophet was sent to Gnostics after Hazrat Shees A.S for guidance:

A) Hazrat Ibrahim A.S
B) Hazrat Idrees A.S
C) Hazrat Shees A.S
D) Hazrat Luut A.S

Which Prophet set up 180 cities:

A) Hazrat Luut A.S
B) Hazrat Saleh A.S
C) Hazrat Haroon A.S
D) Hazrat Idrees A.S

Hazrat Idrees A.S was directed to migrate by Allah to :

A) Iraq
B) Palestine
C) Iran
D) Egypt

Name the Prophet who was the first man to write:

A) Hazrat Ismail A.S
B) Hazrat Yousaf A.S
C) Hazrat Idrees A.S
D) Hazrat Shees A.S

“Science of Astronomy” was introduced by which Prophet of Allah:

A) Hazrat Adam A.S
B) Hazrat Idrees A.S
C) Hazrat Uzair A.S
D) Hazrat Saleh A.S

Who is the inventor of the science of Mathematics:

A) Hazrat Yousaf A.S
B) Hazrat Moosa A.S
C) Hazrat Saleh A.S
D) Hazrat Idrees A.S

How many Sahifay were revealed to Hazrat Idrees (AS):

A) 10
B) 20
C) 30
D) 50

Which Prophet is known as Adam-e-Sani:

A) Hazrat Ismail A.S
B) Hazrat Yousaf A.S
C) Hazrat Idrees A.S
D) Hazrat Shees A.S

Name the Prophet who was the special friend of an angel and died in the wings of an angel:

A) Hazrat Younis A.S
B) Hazrat Yousaf
C) Hazrat Idrees A.S
D) Hazrat Noah A.S

At what age Hazrat Idrees A.S was taken alive to heaven:

A) 340years
B) 365 years
C) 379 years
D) None of these

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